Webinar: Get the Most Out of Your Assessment

We all have to do initial assessments but are we doing our best to get the most our of them?

Have you ever really thought about the purpose of you assessment? What are we really trying to do when we assess a client for the first time?

Are we trying to do as many tests as possible, show them how smart me we are, and send them off with a specific diagnosis?

We think there is much more we can get out of our initial assessments that will set both you and your clients up for success.

During this webinar you’ll learn:

  • Our Macro/micro purposes of the assessment

  • Our iceberg approach to special tests

  • Our 3 step process of our initial assessments

    We believe that a simple practice is a better practice. This does not make it easy to implement. But, if you can start implementing these frameworks into your initial assessments we believe it will have a massive impact on your outcomes.

Oh yaaaa and it’s FREE! All we ask is that you bring a cup of coffee and be willing to learn

Reserve your spot below