Running Around The Bay? Consider these 3 things!
What’s up guys name is Dalton I am a physiotherapist and a runner who has helped many runners overcome injury and run strong. I have also been on a mission to qualify for the Boston marathon and have dedicated much of my own training to that over the last 4 years. Last year I ran the 34k around the bay for the first time and I had a blast. That is why today I am here to tell you that if you are a local runner who is looking to take on the 30k around the bay this year I have 3 things you are going to want to consider to make it the best time.
These 3 Steps Will Change How You View Rehab Forever
I’ve been in this profession for 7 years and the amount of information that comes at us on a daily basis about how to manage injuries is overwhelming. Even for me, someone who spends most of his time reading, listening, and consuming information to best serve the hundreds of clients I see each year.
That’s why I’m here to simplify and provide you with a framework that’ll change how you view your injuries forever. Remember, simple doesn’t mean easy. But let’s dive In.
3 Mistakes People Make When Rehabbing Tendons
If you’re reading this you’ve probably dealt with a nagging tendon injury before. These injuries can be annoying and feel like they are never going to go away. Over the years as a physiotherapist I’ve seen plenty of people who come through our doors with tendon injuries and most of the time they’re making 1-3 of the mistakes I’m about to cover. The good news is I’ll also provide you with a few takeaways on how you can get started on treating tendons the right way.
Avoid This Injury Rehab Trap
Many people mistakingly quit rehab too early. Most of the time when people do this, they either don’t feel pain anymore or they see that their injury is ‘healed’ on imaging. It should go without saying that these two scenarios in and of themselves are fantastic outcomes. However, this is normally not the best place to stop working with your rehab professional. Far too often, we see people that stop at this point flare things back up when they get back to their activity. Or they keep having the problem recur every so often. We’ll explain why this happens and what you can be working on to avoid this cycle and unnecessary prolonging of your injury and sitting on the sidelines.
The Biggest Injury Recovery Hack
I’m going to try to put myself in your shoes. You’re doing what you love….maybe this is tennis, running, climbing, powerlifting, or some other awesome thing. This activity is everything for you, your mental well-being, and your motivation to continue to get after it! Who knows, maybe this activity even anchors the rest of your lifestyle…and without it your nutrition, sleep, and overall habits go down the drain too. But as long as you have the ability to do these things then you’re good!
Until you get injured…
Elevate Your Climbing Game: The Importance of Training Your Legs
Rock climbing is often seen as an upper body-centric sport, with climbers focusing heavily on strengthening their arms, shoulders, and core. However, neglecting your lower body could be holding you back from reaching your full potential on the wall.
Here are three common misconceptions about leg training in climbing and why it's crucial to overcome them:
Running and Strength Training go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jam!
We GET you.
You’re a runner, not a bodybuilder.
You love the stress relief and way your body and mind feel during and after a great run. The freedom that comes with the simplicity of lacing up your shoes and that’s all you need to get a good workout in. The satisfaction of seeing your run times improve and new distances unlocked.
Your MRI is Not Your Story
MRI’s Are Amazing!
Don’t get us wrong, MRI’s help us identify serious problems and can be life saving when used to diagnose and guide surgical interventions. For example, MRI’s help us with…
Neurological Disorders: MRI is highly effective in imaging the brain and spinal cord, making it invaluable for diagnosing conditions such as brain tumours, multiple sclerosis, strokes, and various neurological disorders.
All About our Partnership with StayAbove Nutrition.
When it comes to your overall health most of us are well aware of the importance of nutrition. We know that certain foods offer a higher quality source of nutrition than others and that it is important to be selective of what we put in our bodies. We’ve realized the importance of helping people with their nutrition and this is why Dee our dietician, is focused on educating and guiding people through nutritional plans to allow for you to take control of your health.
Get Ready for Neck Day - How to Train Your Neck
Let’s face it. No one walks into the gym thinking “I’m pumped for neck day today.” It’s not something we often work on or see people working on in the gym. No one wants to be that person getting looks from everyone because of the weird exercises you’re doing. But just like any other part of the body can be trained, so can the neck. Now we aren’t talking about adding a neck day into your exercise split, but rather adding in some accessories to your upper body loading day. You don’t need to turn into a Formula 1 driver with your neck strength but it can benefit your upper extremity lifts especially in an overhead position.
What is Pelvic Health Physiotherapy?
Did you even know that there is such a thing? Or maybe you know it exists but aren’t sure what it really means or involves? OR, maybe you’ve done it before but didn’t realize we did pelvic physio at The Movement.
Well now we do, so that’s why I wanted to talk about it with you. My name is Jess, I’m one of the physiotherapists at The Movement and I just became certified in pelvic health physiotherapy.
Let’s talk about it…
Why We Eat What We Eat
We all know that healthy eating is important. It's also no surprise when I say that for most of us, we know what we shouldn't do, or at least what we should do less of. I think before starting any nutrition journey or changing any type of habit we need to explore the “why” behind any behavior. The ‘why’ lets us get to the root cause of why we are doing something so we can
fix it, or
At least gain a better understanding of our own behaviour.
How We Approach Sciatica
‘Sciatica’ is a term that gets thrown around quite often but the reality is that sciatica is a catch all term for symptoms that go down your leg. Without getting into the weeds too much, we’d just like to point out that symptoms like that could usually benefit from seeing a professional such as a physiotherapist, who can make individual recommendations for you. However, in this blog post, we’ll give you an idea of how we approach sciatica at The Movement and teach you about how to move the nerve with exercises called neuromobility exercises. We have also included a free download of 5 exercises to improve sciatic nerve tension!
Why Orthotics Aren’t the Solution to Your Plantar Fasciitis
What’s the first think people tell you to do when you get plantar fasciitis? Yup…more than likely they immediately say, “you should get orthotics!” This SEEMS like such an appealing answer, support the arch the way your foot is supposed to be and BAM your pain is gone and you’re good to go. In this blog post, we’re going to present the argument as to why this isn’t the direction you should go or at least why it isn’t the only thing you should do to truly solve your plantar fasciitis. We’ll present 3 problems and the solution to plantar fasciitis as well as at the bottom we’ve included a free download that has 3 exercises to prehab your plantar fascia.
3 Myth’s About Lifting Weights
Don’t believe everything you read or watch…especially around health and fitness!
There’s no shortage of information these days, ranging from fixes for your pain and training tips to nutrition tips. This is GREAT overall because you’re able to learn about most things you want to do. However, this can be really impactful on your health in a negative way as well if you’re seeing the wrong information.
A Story About a 72 Year Old Client.
Find out how our 72 year old client went from in pain, unable to walk more than 10 minutes, and never strength training to out of pain, walking for as long as she wants, and strength training 3 x a week!
You’re Missing Out on THIS Easy Way to Improve Your Running Performance…
When most people think of running muscles, they immediately think of the quads, hammies, and glutes. Although those muscles as well as all muscles in the lower extremity are important for running, the soleus muscle is truly the powerhouse. Understanding why it’s important might convince you to spend a little more time on training your soleus. This could be the thing that just unlocks the potential you need for your running performance…
Recover Like an Athlete.
Progressive overload through planned training stress is an essential aspect of improving performance over time. That said, equally important and more often overlooked is having a dialled in recovery plan. Although there are many tools out there that anecdotally help enhance recovery including foam rolling, BFR, Normatec, muscle stimulation devices, etc, the research is clear about the recovery superpowers of having appropriate nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management strategies and a structured training plan. In this blog, we’ll be covering your true recovery superpowers.
How We Actually Rehab Acute Injuries
In a recent blog post here, our RMT and Athletic Therapist Dan Marynowski discussed why ice isn’t necessarily the way to help acute injuries. Knowing what we now know about icing, acronyms guiding soft tissue management have evolved from the traditional ICE/RICE/PRICE and POLICE protocols. The way we now approach soft tissue management is taking all stages of healing into account rather than just the acute phase. That being said, the new acronym that encompasses the rehabilitation continuum from immediate care (PEACE) to subsequent management (LOVE) is PEACE & LOVE.