Manual Therapy.

What is manual therapy?

Manual therapy is a term that encompasses joint mobilizations, manipulations, soft tissue work, and passive stretching, and can be used to improve range of motion, relieve symptoms and gauge your symptom intensity.


Does manual therapy help with pain?

Manual therapy can help to provide temporarily relief of some painful conditions. Contrary to popular belief, manual therapy is not intended to alter the position or alignment of your body. Instead, it can alter your perception by stimulating local receptors and help you relax and desensitize locally painful areas.

How do we utilize manual therapy?

In some circumstances, we use manual therapy to help people experience temporary relief. It is a powerful thing when we can show you that your symptoms are changeable, and we find manual therapy is most beneficial when paired with movement and exercises to show you how you can promote long-term changes. Beyond symptom relief, we utilize manual assessments to evaluate your injury.

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Manual Therapy


Is manual therapy safe?

Some manual therapies such as manipulative therapy have gotten a bad wrap. However, they are very safe and carry very minimal risk when you are screened for appropriateness and they are used by an experienced clinician.

Does manual therapy work?

Yes, manual therapy works. Manual therapy can provide relief of symptoms, help increase range of motion, and be a great adjunct to other approaches such as exercise. However, manual therapy does not realign your joints or ‘fix’ you.

Do I need manual therapy?

We believe that manual therapy can be useful when a skilled therapist and client collaboratively decide upon its use and when proper narratives behind the mechanisms at play are delivered. You may not always need manual therapy, but it is something you can ask your therapist about.